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Monica Belucci pose in Vanity Fair

 Monica Bellucci has posed naked in Vanity Fair in protest against restrictive new laws regarding fertility treatment in Italy.The stunning actress – currently expecting her first child – will appear on the front cover of the Italian version of the magazine, posing with one arm across her breasts and the other cradling her bump. The ‘Matrix’ star – married to actor Vincent Cassel – also speaks out in the magazine against the legislation which effectively decides which women receive the treatment. Bellucci, 36, said: “Over here, if you aren’t married with all the proper rubber stamps, they stop you using science to have a child.” The new laws, introduced in March, have banned single women, same-sex couples and women beyond normal child-bearing age from using assisted fertility techniques. However, the star’s actions have attracted outrage from Catholic magazine La Voce, which has urged Bellucci to not address the issue with “lightness and ready-made phrases.” Despite the criticism, Bellucci insists she will not back down from her position and is allegedly prepared to front a campaign against the laws.
